Wolfram Archive

MathCode C++

Published September 18, 1998

Generate C++ Code That Links Seamlessly into Mathematica

September 18, 1998–Mathematica is an ideal environment in which to develop, debug, and analyze programs, and with MathCode C++ you can translate entire Mathematica programs into optimized C++ code. The resulting C++ code can run in the stand-alone mode useful for embedded applications. Alternatively, the C++ code can use Mathematica callbacks for accessing higher-level functions not available in C++ automatically.

Key Features of MathCode C++

  • Optimizes Mathematica matrix expressions into C++ for faster numeric computation
  • Offers a C++ library for extended matrix manipulation
  • Generates stand-alone C++ code from Mathematica programs
  • Generates C++ code connected to Mathematica via MathLink
  • Offers connectivity with existing C, C++, and Fortran77 programs

The product is compatible with Mathematica 3.0.1 and later. Additional information on MathCode C++ is available.